LCBO Food & Drink Holiday 2021


Yes, you can! It’s the easiest way to entertain, bar none: ready-made cocktails in cans and a tasty snack to nibble alongside.

Start with a trio of drinks— Jack Daniel’s & Cola ( LCBO 166090, 473 mL, $2.95), Absolut Mango Mule ( LCBO 19134, 355 mL, $3.00) and Canadian Club & Ginger Ale ( LCBO 273110, 473 mL, $3.00). Then open a jar of GORP World protein chips. Colleen Dyck, a “wannabe triathlete” and mom in Mani­ toba, started producing her own protein bars to enormous ac- claim. A natural follow-up were these scrumptious chips, made from roasted broad beans; they come in a huge variety of flavours.


What a yummy treat for Santa—or anyone else! Nathalie Morin and her husband, chocolatier Julien Rousseau-Dumarcet, own their own hugely popular business in Halifax. This bar is a limited holiday edition, made from premium, sus- tainable 64% dark choco- late that’s filled with liquid caramel subtly flavoured with gingerbread spices.

Eggnog and…

Few things evoke the holiday spirit as smoothly as eggnog. Double the pampering points with a chocolate bar oozing caramel.

Rousseau Chocolatier Ginger Bread Caramel Artisan Bar

Old Tom’s Original Egg Nog ( LCBO 447730, $13.95) Evan Williams Original Southern Egg Nog ( LCBO 185884, $15.95)



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