LCBO Food & Drink Autumn 2017

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5 Whisk chocolate mixture vigorously until chocolate has melted and mixture is smooth and glossy. Whisk in reserved liqueur until well combined. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. (Chocolate mixture can be refriger- ated for up to 2 days.) 6 Line 2 medium baking sheets with parch- ment paper. Using a 1 tsp (5 mL) measure, scoop heaping spoonfuls of chocolate mixture onto lined baking sheets, putting half on each baking sheet. 7 With dry hands, press a reserved cherry into centre of 1 scoop of chocolate mixture, enclos- ing cherry completely. Roll chocolate mixture between your palms to form a ball. Replace truffle on baking sheet. Repeat with remaining scoops of chocolate mixture and cherries. 8 Place 1 baking sheet of truffles in freezer for 1 hour. 9 Tip chopped almonds into a medium bowl. Working with 1 truffle at a time, toss remain- ing truffles in almonds to coat completely. Replace truffles on baking sheet. Refrigerate nut-coated truffles for at least 1 hour. 10  In a small bowl set over a saucepan of hot (not boiling) water, combine chopped dark chocolate and vegetable oil. Stir chocolate mixture occasionally until almost completely melted. Carefully remove bowl from saucepan (chocolate will seize if any water or steam from saucepan drips into it). Stir chocolate mixture until smooth. 11  Remove baking sheet of truffles from freez- er. Set a wire rack over your cutting board. Using 2 forks, dip 1 truffle in melted chocolate to coat completely. Put truffle on wire rack. Immediately sprinkle with additional chopped almonds, edible gold leaf or decorative sugar, if using. Repeat with remaining frozen truffles. 12  Replace chocolate-coated truffles on bak- ing sheet and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. (If you prefer, omit toppings from chocolate- coated truffles. When chocolate has set, drizzle truffles with melted white chocolate. Refriger- ate truffles for at least 1 hour.) 13  Put each truffle in a candy case, if using. Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 1 week. Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving. (Truffles can be fro- zen for up to 3 months. Thaw in the fridge, then let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving.) Makes about 36 truffles

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a splash of liQueur from page 13

½ cup (125 mL) whipping cream 2 tbsp (30 mL) unsalted butter, cubed

TO FINISH 1 cup (250 mL) finely chopped toasted almonds 5 oz (150 g) good-quality dark chocolate, finely chopped 2 tsp (10 mL) vegetable oil Additional finely chopped toasted almonds, edible gold leaf and/or decorative sugar (optional) Melted white chocolate (optional) Candy cases (optional) 1 For truffles, combine cherries and liqueur in a small bowl. Cover and let stand at room temperature overnight. 2 Drain the cherry mixture well, reserving cherries and liqueur separately. 3 Put chopped chocolate in a heatproof me- dium bowl. Set bowl on a folded damp cloth. 4 In a small saucepan, combine cream and butter. Heat over medium heat, swirling sauce- pan occasionally to melt butter. When cream just starts to bubble and butter has melted, im- mediately pour creammixture over chocolate.


If you’re short of time, simply toss these de- lectable truffles in unsweetened cocoa powder or icing sugar after forming them into balls.

TRUFFLES ¼ cup (60 mL) dried cherries

¼ cup (60 mL) Heering Cherry Liqueur 10 oz (300 g) good-quality milk chocolate, finely chopped

158  FOOD & DRI NK AUTUMN 2017

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