LCBO Food & Drink Autumn 2018

GO BEYOND WINE with a gift of a digestif like Nonino Quintessentia Amaro ( VINTAGES 933796, $49.05) or Calvados Boulard Pays d’Auge ( LCBO 296228, $50.15) or Sandro Bottega Club Grappa ( LCBO 478156, $30.90).

If you know your host is a beer aficionado, a prized brew in a large, handsome bottle will certainly be welcomed. Here are two possibili- ties: Chimay Première ( LCBO 198069, 750 mL, $8.05); La Trappe Tripel ( LCBO 413575, 750 mL, $8.10).

Cleverly named craft beers can be an affectionate in-joke for host gifts: like Beau’s Lug Tread Lagered Ale ( LCBO 169334, 4 pk, $16.95) for road warriors or Great Lakes Brewing’s Pompous Ass Ale ( LCBO 408054, 473 mL, $2.65) if you know an Englishman with a sense of humour.

Always secure a tag to your gift: the host won’t re­ member who brought what.

Chocolates or other sweet treats, homemade preserves or bottled cocktails, a book you love, beautiful hand soaps and special tea or coffee make great host gifts. You could even bring a toy or treats for a family pet whose needs you know well!



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