LCBO Food & Drink Autumn 2019
Coming next issue Available November 13
Holiday Hues Celebrate the season with festively coloured recipes Baking Challenge Visually stunning baked goods take it to the next level Find Your Match How to simplify pairing wines with your turkey dinner Simple Soups Weekday meals have never had it so quick and easy
Many of the products featured in this issue are available to purchase online at
VP Marketing & Customer Intelligence Kerri Dawson Editor Jody Dunn Art Directors Karen Lim Cathy Cicchini Content Editor Charlene Rooke Publication Coordinators Leslie Bolter Margot Blais Graphic Designers Wincy Law Dominique Patafio Pat Turbach Samia Akhtar Production Coordinator Judy Haverkort Publication Assistant Piper MacFadyen Production Assistant Everton Smith
Food Stylists Michael Elliott Eshun Mott Christopher St. Onge Prop Stylists Christine Hanlon Catherine MacFadyen Andrea McCrindle
For general inquiries about Food & Drink magazine or information about LCBO products and policy please contact helloLCBO online at, or call toll-free 800•668•5226 or 416•365•5900. TTY Only: 416•864•6898 or 800•361•3291. All advertiser applications are subject to the terms and conditions of the LCBO’s advertising agreement. Food & Drink is published five times a year by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. Volume 27, Number 1. Food & Drink is printed on paper that contains 10 percent post‑consumer fibre. Food & Drink is recyclable in communities participating in magazine recycling programs.
Lara McGraw Shelly Shnier Contributors Julia Aitken, Dré Dee, Chris Johns, Anna Kohn, Signe Langford, Crystal Luxmore, Tara Luxmore, Jennifer MacKenzie, Brenda Morrison, Amy Rosen, Marc Smith, Christopher St. Onge, Eric Vellend, Victoria Walsh, Tonia Wilson-Vuksanovic, Joanne Yolles Publisher Wayne Leek Advertising Sales Kirby Miller, Beaches Media Services,
Publication Mail Agreement No. 40064521 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Food & Drink , 55 Lake Shore Boulevard East, Toronto, ON, M5E 1A4 ISSN 1195-5988
Not all of the wines, spirits and beers mentioned in Food & Drink will be available at all LCBO stores. Prices are subject to change without notice. Cette publication est également disponible en français.
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