LCBO Food & Drink Autumn 2019


TIPS FOR SUCCESS DO Read the recipe all the way through before starting and allow plenty of time for chilling the fat and the dough, rolling and assembling the pie. Chilled dough makes flakier pastry. Allow several hours for the pie to cool and to avoid sloppy slices. It is best served the day it’s baked. least 30min- utes to get the best kick-start for flaky, well- cooked pastry. Preheat the oven for at Don’t refrigerate the baked pie or store in a plastic container, as the crust will go soggy. Cover cooled pie with foil to store at room temperature. Don’t fret if your pie isn’t the prettiest on Instagram; you made it from scratch and it’ll taste amazing, so do be proud of that! DON’T

Toppings Go beyond the classic scoop of ice cream (though we’re not knocking that!) to take your Ultimate Apple Pie to the next level of fabulous!

Lacy Cheddar Crisps Recipe on page 147 These zesty, salty, lacy crisps will please those who feel their apple pie needs a savoury touch to be complete.

Maple Toffee Drizzle Recipe on page 146 In case your slice of pie isn’t quite decadent enough, add a drizzle of this candy-like, warm maple syrup to put it right over the top. Murphy’s Law Apple Pie Moonshine LCBO 465419, $30.40 Sipping spirits, eaux-de-vie and liqueurs with orchard flavours are excellent with this luscious topping. SERVEWITH

How to bake

STEP 1  Brush top crust with cream, leaving the fluted edge bare. Arrange decorative pastry pieces on top, as desired, and brush with cream as well. STEP 2  Cut several vents around top crust. Sprinkle top with sugar and cinnamon, if desired. STEP 3  Bake the pie on lowest rack of oven on preheated baking sheet. Starting at a higher temperature then reducing the tempera- ture creates a flaky crispy crust and allows the filling to cook evenly. Let the pie cool on a rack for at least 4 hours to set (this may be the most difficult step!).


Calvados Boulard Pays D’Auge LCBO 296228, $50.20

Spirits made from distilled apples, such as Calvados, are delicious with cheese and with orchard-fruit desserts.

PIE PLATES Glass (Pyrex) plates are well-suited to fruit pie and allow you to see when the bottom is well baked. Any acidic fruit filling that spills over won’t react with the glass. Ceramic plates are attractive and bake well. It’s tricky to monitor the colour of the crust when baking. Metal pie plates typically have a dark nonstick coating which can bake crust darker, and it’s tricky to see while the pie is baking. The coating can get scratched from cutting pies so they don’t last as long over time.



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