LCBO Food & Drink Autumn 2019
thighs or overcooked breast meat. If you need more meat, cook a ham alongside the turkey instead. 8 TURKEY TALK
Frozen turkeys can be purchased weeks in advance. Thawing can take several days— one day per 4 lbs—and should be done in the fridge. No time or room? Leave in wrapper submerged in cold water in a sink—30 minutes per pound. Fresh ready-to-cook turkeys require no thawing and can be purchased two to three days before Thanksgiving. But whether you order from a farm or butcher, do so a few weeks ahead, specifying the size bird you require. And good news if you’re only cooking for yourself and one other! Butterball now sells Easy Fresh, individually pack- aged turkey parts, such as breasts, thighs, drumsticks and wings, with as few as two pieces per package.
09 Estimating 1 1/2 lbs of turkey per person allows for gener- ous portions and leftovers. The best-size birds for roast- ing are between 12 and 16 lbs. Any larger and you risk uneven cooking, i.e. undercooked GOOD ADVICE Temperature Control: Cook turkey in a 325°F (160°C) oven. Keep this in mind when selecting any other recipes you might cook in the oven at the same time. Timing’s Everything: A stuffed
The Day After
Take a few minutes to jot down what you ran out of, made too much of, kitchen tools you wished you’d had, any tableware that got chipped or broken, etc. You’ll be thankful for this list when it comes time to start planning Christmas dinner.
Roasting tips from Sue Smith, co-director of the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line:
Easy Brining Brining a turkey overnight will make it juicy and more flavourful, but for a simpler and much less messy alternative, Claire Tansey, cookbook author of Uncomplicated , recommends dry brining. “Just sprinkle generously with kosher salt and leave uncovered in the fridge overnight. In the morning, rinse well, pat dry and slather with unsalted butter.”
Meat Thermometer: The only true way of ensuring the turkey is thoroughly cooked is with a meat ther- mometer. Wait for tempera- tures to reach 180°F (82°C) in the inner thigh and 160°F (71°C) in the centre of the stuffing. Turkey Trauma? Call Butterball’s Turkey Talk-Line at 800•288•8372.
10- to 18-lb turkey will take approx- imately 3 3/4 to 4 1/2 hours to cook. For picture-perfect results, start checking doneness 30 minutes be- fore recommended time. Once out of the oven, let turkey rest at least 15 minutes before carving.
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