LCBO Food & Drink Early Summer 2017

ZHUG The abundance of fresh herbs in this recipe gives it a completely different flavour profile from the other sauces. It is fresh tasting and great with vegetables, fish and chicken. ⅓ cup (80 mL) seeded, stemmed and quartered green jalapeño peppers, about 2 peppers

2 Heat grill tomedium-high. Thread the vege­ tables onto skewers, either making skewers of single vegetables or making mixed skewers. Grill about 5 minutes a side (about 10 minutes total) or until vegetables are browned but still a little crunchy. Grilling time will depend on

which vegetables you are using. 3 Serve with extra zhug as a dip. Serves 4

½ cup (125 mL) chopped parsley ½ cup (125 mL) chopped cilantro 1 tbsp (15 mL) chopped garlic 2 tsp (10 mL) lime juice ½ tsp (2 mL) ground cumin ½ tsp (2 mL) ground coriander ½ tsp (2 mL) ground cinnamon ¼ tsp (1 mL) ground cardamom ⅓ cup (80 mL) olive oil


WHAT TO SERVE  Creemore Springs Lot 9 Pilsner LCBO 416248, 473 mL $2.95 Light citrus, herb and cereal tones complement the fla- vours in the vegetable skewers. The hint of malt sweet- ness, delightful bitter hopping and refreshing carbon- ation provide a great foil to the heat of zhug.  Vineland Estates Dry Riesling VQA LCBO 167551 $14.95 This local Riesling offers appealing lime, grapefruit, apricot and apple elements to complement the com- plex flavours in this dish. A hint of sweetness balanced by fresh acidity stands up to the spicy heat of the skew- ers and sauce.

Use any mix of vegetables you like for these kebabs. Mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, zucchi- ni, peppers, Japanese eggplant, baby onions, small carrots, new potatoes and small sweet potatoes all work. Slice or cut vegetables or, if small enough, leave whole. ¼ cup (60 mL) Zhug (recipe follows) 2 tbsp (30 mL) olive oil 1 tbsp (15 mL) rice vinegar 8 cups (2 L) mixed vegetables, cut into pieces, if necessary 1 Mix together zhug, oil and rice vinegar. Toss with vegetables.

1 Place peppers, parsley, cilantro, garlic, lime juice, cumin, coriander, cinnamon and car- damom in food processor. Pulse until slightly chunky. Stir in olive oil.

Makes about 1½ cups (375 mL)

Condo life at the water’s edge LAUNCH SPRING 2017 |


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