LCBO Food & Drink Early Summer 2019


Unlike the change in seasons from winter to spring, spring to summer is more of a sure thing as far as the weather goes. At the very least, we know it’s finally time to head back outside. Whether you’re a gardener, someone who loves to entertain, or you simply enjoy the pleasures of a cocktail on the patio, the time is now! We’re celebrating all things al fresco in this issue, with party ideas and drinks that are perfect for this time of year—all with an emphasis on fresh, local ingredients.     For the May Two-Four weekend, “WarmWelcome” on page 64 lays out a backyard burger bash that ushers in summer in the best possible way. Divvy up the menu—with multiple burger, salad and ice cream recipes—amongst friends, dust o the patio furniture, string up some lights and you’ve got a party for all ages. For all those other summer long weekends, “E ortless Entertaining” on page 72 o ers up simple platters that can be pulled together with a quick trip to the grocery store (plus they cleverly use up whatever leftovers you’ve got in the fridge). Paired with just the right drinks, this is hosting that can be pulled o in a flash.     Looking for an excuse to indulge in an ice cream sundae? “Spirited Sundaes” on page 111 o ers adult twists that make for ideal ways to cap o a backyard BBQ. How about a new signature cocktail for the season? “Uniquely Delicious” on page 78 takes five unexpected cocktail mixers and turns them into refreshing summer sippers. Wondering what to do with all those strawberries you picked? “Savoury Strawberries” on page 33 goes beyond shortcake to delicious e ect. And, if your idea of cap- turing summer in a bottle involves an ice-cold beer, our “Summer Beer Guide” on page 41 walks you through many of the o erings that will be on LCBO shelves from May through September.     Back to the notion of sure things, our Food Editor and Senior Editor, Lucy Waverman and James Chatto, have been exactly that for Food & Drink since our very first issue, more than 25 years ago. This marks their final issue as editors with us, and our debt of gratitude to them for getting us to where we are today is immeasurable. As we take our next steps forward, we recognize their contributions, wisdom and friendship— and wish them all the very best in their next endeavours.     There’ll be big changes happening beginning with our summer issue (available June 26th). We’ll have a bright new look and fresh ways of plugging you into the trendiest eats and sips for relaxing at home or getting together with friends. Plus, we’re putting even more emphasis on everything local, so we’ll be shining a spotlight on our favourite people, places and finds from all over the province. Until then, let’s celebrate warmer days and the long-awaited start of summer!



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