LCBO Food & Drink Early Summer 2019

“ People ask me how come some dish in the restaurant is so delicious. Well it’s because we add a whole lot of delicious things to it ! ”

Matthew Betsch Alobar, 57a–162 Cumberland Street, Toronto,

“I cooked for my mom and my dad more often years ago when I was apprenticing and working less hours in a week,” remembers Matthew Betsch. “These days, at a family event, I’m more likely to contribute a side dish or bring an appe­ tizer than plan the whole thing. Most of our big get- togethers—like Christmas, Thanksgiving or Easter—call for heavier winter dishes; in the summer it’s more likely to be barbecue.    “This dish may not be something you’d normally think of for a family gather­ ing, but it’s light and easy for people who aren’t that adventurous with food. It tastes super-fresh, with classic Asian seasonings, and the puffed rice gives you a chance to show off a bit with one of the components.”

tuna tartare with puffed rice recipes on page 124


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