LCBO Food & Drink Early Summer 2024

More simple,

Gin is Always in Style

VINTAGE STYLES Plymouth English Gin ( LCBO 277004, $49.50 ), made in England since 1793, is a venerable bottling with a rich, earthy one‑of-a-kind style. Gins labelled Old Tom (like Giants & Gentlemen Old Tom Gin , LCBO 26982, $54.95 ) resurrect a style from old cocktail books, often kissed with lemon and a hint of sweetness. Genever, a Dutch malted-barley spirit infused with juniper, is considered to be gin’s grand parent. Watch for occasional LCBO drops of the latter two old-style spirits. GLOBAL AND FLAVOURED GIN Distillers might add innovative fruit and botanical notes, colours and even sweetness to new-wave gins (such as the rainbow of Whitley Neill flavours). With everyone going all in on gin, some countries have become known for unique styles reflecting their regional ingredients. For instance, Japanese gins like Roku Gin ( LCBO 636209, $54.95 ) feature cherry blossoms and yuzu.

LONDON DRY The best-known gin style can be made all over the world. “Dry” means nothing can be added after distillation: no sweetener, fla vours or colouring. These gins typically have punchy juniper and citrus, plus traditional botanicals such as coriander seed and palate-cleansing roots like angelica and orris. Tanqueray London Dry Gin ( LCBO 2691, $33.50 ) is the quintessential example, with just five iconic botanicals. CONTEMPORARY/MODERN The craft distilling boom has inspired a contemporary wave of new gins (a style sometimes also called New Western, American or wet gins) that balance softer evergreen notes with other botanicals, sometimes locally foraged and harvested. Some artisan distillers even barrel-age gin. Reid’s Citrus Gin ( LCBO 17791, $50.50 ) from Toronto boosts citrus notes with wild Canadian sumac.

summery signature serves

LIGHTER GIN AND JUICE 1 oz gin over ice, topped with fruit flavoured sparkling water and seasonal fruit garnish

GIN-ELADA 1/2 oz gin with 8 oz Mexican-style beer and a lime squeeze

TEE TIME Up to 1 1/2 oz gin in an iced tea–lemonade

mix for a spiked Arnold Palmer


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