LCBO Food and Drink Holiday 2015


A s o p h i s t i c a t e d m e n u t h a t k i d s a g e d a b o u t 8 t o 1 0 c a n m a k e, d e s i g n e d w i t h b o t h c h i l d r e n ’ s a n d a d u l t s ’ p a l e t t e s i n m i n d . BY ESHUN MOTT • PHOTOGRAPHY BY JAMES TSE

Are your kids already making pancakes and eggs and ready to take on the challenge of dinner? Mine have been fas- cinated with the MasterChef Junior television series (kids 8 to 13 can actually cook!), and become eager to make not just pizza, but a full special meal. This casual Italian meal is not entirely simple. In fact, the full menu might be a bit of a weekend afternoon project—but it is absolutely doable. And the holidays are a great time for us to sit back and let the kids take over. Set them in the right direction, stay somewhat close at hand, and be amazed at just how much they can do. All of these recipes were tested by my 12-year-old who has never attempted dinner before. He was totally exhausted by the end of it all, but very pleased by what he’d accomplished. And, I have to say, it was entirely impressive and delicious! The full menu serves six so be sure to invite grandparents or special friends over to enjoy the results.


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