LCBO Food & Drink Holiday 2017

A VQA Wine Manifesto

The problem wi th hi story, i s that i t ’s in the past . What comes nex t i s much more interest ing. At least to us .

VQA Wines of Ontar io i sn’ t just a stamp on a bot t le. I t ’s an exper ience. I t ’s not just about great wine. I t ’s about being di f ferent . Embracing di f ferent . Standing out .

And standing up. For who we are. If they think we’re crazy for mak ing wine? We’ l l show them crazy.

VQA wines from Ontar io are mak ing what ’s nex t in wine. So i f that means break ing rules , defying convent ions , expectat ions , being bold , fresh , creat ive,

forging our own style. . . Then that ’s what we’ l l do. We’ l l do us .

We al l know where wine comes from.

So let ’s see where i t ’s going.

Di scover why internat ional wine cr i t ics are cal l ing Ontar io “One of the most astoni shing wine regions in the wor ld.”

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