LCBO Food & Drink Holiday 2018


Going way beyond the usual sandwiches and casseroles, we treat turkey leftovers as a prime ingredient in these exceptional dishes—paired with special holiday purchases at the LCBO. COPY & PAIRINGS BY JAMES CHATTO RECIPES BY MICHELLE RABIN PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROB FIOCCA PAPER ART BY KATHRYN BONDY

They may not be the most glamorous part of the Christmas season but they’re certainly a contender for the most practical—and often the most delicious: the meals we make with turkey leftovers. All families have their favourite traditions of course—in our house we lived for a week on turkey soup from the carcass, turkey curry and day after day of turkey sandwiches— but this year, why not change things up?     Here recipe developer Michelle Rabin has de- vised five delectable new recipes that make the most of the rest of the bird. And served alongside (it’s still that time of year, right?) are treats chosen from the LCBO’s special seasonal offerings—bottles that are paired up or packaged in a uniquely festive way for the holidays. Together, they’ll extend the taste of tur- key way past Boxing Day and, we hope, spark some new inspiration in this “waste not, want not” world.


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