LCBO Food & Drink Holiday 2018


P ter GARNISHED WITH CANDY CANE & COCOA Do you ever wish a peppermint patty came in drink form? We do! Create one by combining the cooling mint of a candy cane with the dark chocolate flavours in Clifford Brewing’s gold-medal-winning porter ( LCBO 481143, 473 mL, $3.25). Moisten the rim of glass with water, dip into sifted cocoa powder and then a smidgen of sifted icing sugar for a snowy effect. Hang a candy cane off the edge and sip.

Impe Stou GARNISHED WITH A S’MORES STICK Imperial stouts are warming, complex ales that are made for fireside sipping on a cold winter’s night. Serve up Wellington Brewery’s Imperial Russian Stout (LCBO 296269, 473 mL, $3.65) with a S’mores-inspired garnish. Gently thread 2 toasted coconut marshmallows onto a chocolate-coated Pocky stick and rest it on top of a snifter glass. The flu y and sweet coconut marshmallows cut through the roasted edge of the beer, while the milk-chocolate biscuit harmonizes with the dense cocoa notes of the ale. Take the beer out of the fridge 20 minutes before serving to open up the intense flavours of the stout.


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