LCBO Food & Drink Holiday 2022


Pay homage to your host’s cultural roots with a well chosen international spirit that will connect them to family traditions and heritage. WORLDLY GOODS

GREECE Metaxa Seven Star Brandy LCBO 116038, $36.20 A favourite on Greek holiday tables, brandy flavoured with Muscat wine and botanicals like anise and rose petals is a smooth holiday sipper.

PORTUGAL Portugal: Vicente Faria Animus Douro DO LCBO 535641, $13 The Douro Valley has a reputation for great value wines, as shown here in a medium bodied red with upfront flavours of black plum and chocolate.

ITALY Grappa Sarpa Di Poli

LCBO 982264, 700 mL, $44.65

Global Cocktails When visiting a friend who has a worldly knowledge of cocktails, take them a bottle of the featured spirit of these quintessential holiday sippers.

Pisco Sour, Peru This South American classic is topped with foamy, shaken egg white and a dash of bitters. Try: Miguel Torres Chile Pisco El Gobernador (LCBO 363978, 700 mL, $38.40) Caipirinha, Brazil Cachaca, made from fermented sugarcane juice, is the base spirit of the country’s beloved national cocktail. Try: Leblon Cachaca (LCBO 516088, $34.95)

Say saluti to Italian Canadians over the holidays with this wonderfully aromatic

grappa from one of Italy’s leading distilleries.

TYLER CONGDON Bar chef, Isabelle, The Pearle Hotel & Spa, Burlington, Ont. From his expertise gained crafting cocktails in bars around the world, Congdon feels Akvavit

LEBANON/EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN Persian Empire Arak Saggi LCBO 401588, $61.30 Made in Peterborough, this arak with herbal, raisin and black licorice flavours pays homage to a spirit with ancient roots.

Bombardino, Italy Served warm with whipped

is “certainly under-rated and unique” because of its caraway flavour. He recommends mixing into stirred classics, like a Negroni. His pick: Denmark’s Aalborg Taffel Akvavit (VINTAGES 495192, $34.65) .

cream, this winter drink (similar to eggnog) is made with rum and advocaat. Try: Bols Advocaat (LCBO 8532, $23.50)



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