LCBO Food & Drink Holiday 2022

until stiff peaks form. Using a silicone spatula, fold one quarter of the whipped cream into lemon curd until combined. Gently fold in remaining whipped cream. Transfer to an airtight container. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours or overnight. 4. Place a phyllo sheet on your work surface. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle lightly with sugar. Cover with another phyllo sheet and repeat with butter and sugar. Using a pizza cutter and a plastic ruler, cut it into two rows of three 5-inch (12-cm) squares. Take one square, rotate it 45 degrees and place it on top of another square to make an eight-pointed star shape. Repeat process two more times with remaining phyllo squares to make 3 stars in total. Press stars into an ungreased muffin tin. Cover with plastic wrap while you repeat the process two more times with remaining phyllo sheets. You will have 9 cups in total. 5. Remove plastic wrap and bake on middle rack until deep golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes. (The insides will still be a little pale.) Remove from oven and cool completely. 6. When ready to serve, generously spoon mousse into cups. Top with raspberries. Serve on a tray, or plate individually, garnished with whipped cream and mint sprigs. 3. Preheat oven to 375°F (191°C).


Meyer lemons, which get shipped up from California in winter, lend their heady fragrance to the dreamiest mousse imaginable. Served in crispy, caramelized phyllo cups and topped with raspberries, this is a fitting finish to a special meal. Since the recipe makes more mousse than you’ll need, you can put the extra into jars for take-home gifts. 2 large eggs 6 large egg yolks 1 cup (250 mL) sugar, plus more for phyllo 2/3 cup (150 mL) strained fresh Meyer lemon juice 1 tbsp (15 mL) finely grated Meyer lemon zest 1/2 cup (125 mL) unsalted butter, cold, diced 1 cup (250 mL) heavy cream 2 tbsp (30 mL) icing sugar, sifted, plus more to garnish 6 frozen phyllo sheets, thawed in fridge 5 tbsp (75 mL) unsalted butter, melted 2 half pints (each 284 mL) raspberries Whipped cream and small mint sprigs to garnish 1. To make lemon curd, place eggs, yolks, sugar, lemon juice and zest in a medium heatproof bowl fitted over a pot of gently simmering water. Whisk constantly until mixture is thick as custard and registers 160°F (71°C) on an instant-read thermometer, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Gradually whisk in butter until combined. Pass through a fine-mesh sieve into a large mixing bowl. Press a piece of plastic wrap against the surface. Cool curd at room temperature 30 minutes, then refrigerate at least 2 hours. 2. Place cream and icing sugar in a large mixing bowl. Using a whisk or an electric beater with whisk attachments, beat

1. Combine vodka, vermouth and water in a 3-cup (750 mL) bottle. Seal and shake briefly to combine. Freeze at least 2 hours or overnight. 2. When ready to serve, pour into chilled cocktail glasses and garnish with olives.

1. Place rack on upper shelf of oven. Preheat broiler on high.

2. Line a heavy-duty baking sheet with foil. Place bread on sheet. Broil until lightly toasted, 60 to 90 seconds per side. (Alternatively, use your toaster and toast the bread in batches.) 3. Lightly butter toasts and trim off crusts. Cut each slice into four even squares. Smear 12 toast squares generously with crème fraîche. Top each with a yolk-heavy slice of egg. Top each egg with a heaping 1/2 tsp (2 mL) caviar. Lightly smear remaining 12 toast squares on one side with crème fraîche. Press chives into crème fraîche side to coat evenly then place on top of each sandwich, chive side up. Serve immediately. [ WHAT TO SERVE ] Piper-Heidsieck Brut Champagne LCBO 462432, $62.90 Nothing partners better with caviar than Champagne. This classic sparkler’s palate cleansing mousse, crisp acidity, and toast and citrus-mineral tones are a delightful foil to the flavours and textures of the sandwiches. Makes 12 sandwiches

Makes 6 to 8 drinks


For one serving, combine 2 1/2 oz vodka, 1/2 oz dry vermouth and 1/2 oz water in a 4-oz bottle. Freeze at least 2 hours or overnight. Garnish with olive to serve. CAVIAR SANDWICHES WITH CRÈME FRAÎCHE & CHIVES These one-bite sammies are the height of luxury with sumptuous caviar, creamy egg and tangy crème fraîche on crisp, buttered toast. For sustainable Canadian caviar, try Northern Divine or Acadian Sturgeon And Caviar brands. If sturgeon caviar isn’t in your budget, salmon roe or lumpfish caviar are perfectly finesubstitutes. 6 slices quality white pullman loaf Unsalted butter, softened 1/4 cup (60 mL) crème fraîche 2 hard-boiled eggs, thinly sliced crosswise 1.8 oz (50 g) caviar 1/3 cup (80 mL) finely sliced chives

Serves 9 (plus leftover mousse)

[WHAT TO SERVE] Viticoltori Acquesi Brachetto d’Acqui LCBO 375667, $ 15.00

For a festive, lower-alcohol option, try this pink Italian bubbly. Its sweet palate and aromatic notes of spice, red berry, candied citrus, honey and exotic fruit will harmonize with the dessert.



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