LCBO Food and Drink Spring 2016

SCALLOP CEVICHE CANAPÉS This light hors d’oeuvre features a lime-kissed scallop, cool cilantro and crunchy roasted corn atop a crisp cucumber round. To maintain the sweet flavour and silky texture of the scallops, it’s best not to marinate them any longer than 2 hours. However, on the day before, you can slice the scallops, make the marinade, prepare the cucumber rounds, grind the corn, and pick the cilantro. 5 large sushi-grade sea scallops, about ½ lb (250 g) ⅓ cup (80 mL) fresh lime juice 2 tbsp (30 mL) extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp (30 mL) thinly sliced red onion 2 tbsp (30 mL) thinly sliced fresh finger chili ¼ tsp (1 mL) fine sea salt Freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 large English cucumber ¼ cup (60 mL) roasted giant corn (Corn Nuts), 1 Rinse scallops under cold water. Pat dry with paper towel. Depending on their size, slice each scallop (with a very sharp knife) into 4 or 5 rounds. Place in a non-reactive bowl with lime juice, olive oil, onion, chili, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. Cover and refrigerate 2 hours, stirring once at the halfway point. 2 Slice cucumber into ¼-inch-thick (5-mm) rounds. (Cut 1 round for every scallop slice.) Pat dry with paper towel. Lay slices on a serv‑ ing platter. Drain ceviche. Top each cucumber slice with a scallop round. Place a little onion and chili from the marinade on top. Sprinkle with ground roasted corn and a tiny pinch of Maldon. Top each with a cilantro leaf and serve. Serves 6 as an hors d’oeuvre WHAT TO SERVE Cave Spring Blanc de Blancs Brut VQA LCBO 213983 $29.95 Ontario crafts some of the world’s best bubblies. This one offers subtle pear, lemon, vanilla and mineral fla- vours, along with fine palate-cleansing acidity and car­ bonation that make it the perfect complement to this delicate dish. Henri Bourgeois Les Baronnes Sancerre VINTAGES ESSENTIALS 542548 $24.95 The wine’s delicate fruit core enhances the natural sweetness of the scallops and tempers the heat of the chili. Made from Sauvignon Blanc, this wine’s herba- ceous flavours provide a perfect complement to the cucumber and cilantro elements, while the fresh citrus acidity refreshes the palate. finely ground in food processor Maldon or other coarse sea salt Cilantro leaves to garnish

salt and pepper. (Dressing will keep, covered and refrigerated for 5 days. Whisk again be‑ fore using.) 2 For artichokes, fill a medium bowl half full with cold water. Squeeze in juice of a half a lemon. Working one at a time, trim artichoke stems to ½ inch (1 cm). Remove and discard leaves until you reach the inner yellow leaves with green tips. Cut off top to remove green tips. With a pairing knife, peel any dark green parts from base and stems. Cut in half. With tip of knife, remove fuzzy chokes and purple inner leaves, if there are any. Rub artichoke hearts with other lemon half. Place in lemon water. 3 In a large sauté pan (with lid), heat oil over medium heat. Add garlic. Cook, stirring, 2 minutes. Drain artichokes and add to pan with mint, bay leaf, wine, salt and pepper. Cover and adjust heat to maintain simmer. Cook until tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Transfer to baking tray to cool. Discard garlic, herbs and any lemon seeds. When cool, toss arti‑ chokes with a little lemon vinaigrette. (Arti‑ chokes will keep, covered and refrigerated for 3 days. Bring to room temperature before using.) 4 To serve the salad, place arugula in bowl with salt and pepper. Drizzle enough dressing to lightly coat. Toss and arrange on serving platter. Top salad with artichokes, pine nuts, lemon zest and cheese. Serves 4 to 6 WHAT TO SERVE Chateau Des Charmes Aligoté VQA LCBO 296848 $13.95 Artichokes contain a compound that has a sweeten- ing effect on any beverage that is served. Mitigate these effects by selecting an extra-dry wine with especially high acidity—such as this food-friendly Aligoté. Its crisp acidity and tangy apple and citrus notes also contend with the pungent bitterness of the arugula and the richness of the pine nuts and Parmesan. $14.15 Avoid the wine-versus-artichoke dilemma altogether and serve a beer alongside this challenging dish. This fine Ontario craft ale shows crisp, pleasantly bitter hops, citrus and rich malt notes that provide an inter- esting contrast to the challenging flavours and tex- tures of the dish. Muskoka Detour LCBO 404335, 6 pk

BABY ARTICHOKE SALAD WITH ARUGULA , PINE NUTS & PARMESAN Tossed in a bright lemon dressing, this salad combines the nuttiness of fresh artichoke hearts with peppery arugula and the salty pop of Parmigiano. If you don’t have a cit‑ rus zester, remove a strip of lemon zest with a Y‑peeler then cut it into fine strips with a chef’s knife. You can also use the peeler to shave the Reggiano into thin shards. ½ cup (125 mL) extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp (15 mL) finely chopped shallot Pinch each salt and freshly ground pepper ARTICHOKES 1 lemon, halved crosswise 1 container 9- to 12-count fresh baby artichokes 2 tbsp (30 mL) extra virgin olive oil 3 cloves garlic, sliced 3 sprigs mint 1 bay leaf ⅔ cup (160 mL) dry white wine Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste SALAD 1 container (140 g) washed baby arugula Pinch each salt and freshly ground pepper ¼ cup (60 mL) pine nuts, toasted 2 tbsp (30 mL) thin strips lemon zest (no white pith) Shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese 1 For lemon vinaigrette, whisk mustard and lemon juice in a medium bowl. Slowly whisk in olive oil until emulsified. Whisk in shallots, LEMON VINAIGRETTE 2 tsp (10 mL) Dijon mustard ¼ cup (60 mL) fresh lemon juice

116  FOOD & DRI NK SPRING 2016

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