LCBO Food & Drink Spring 2018

ON THE SIDE Light BY CHRISTOPHER ST. ONGE • PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROB FIOCCA At a time of year when we begin craving lighter foods, this entertaining menu combines good-for-you ingredients with delectable flavours.

GONE ARE THE DAYS when calling someone “granola” was a put-down. Eating healthy has gone mainstream. We’re eschewing processed food like never before and the movement’s best recipe writers have be- come global superstars. Visiting restau- rants serving this new fare has become de rigueur for aficionados and the curious alike. Along the way even large supermarket chains have gotten in on the act, stocking ingredients formerly found only in health food stores. The end result is that flavour- ful new things have found their way into our

kitchens and we’re probably better for it.     Here’s a spring menu featuring some of the most talked-about ingredients in the food world today. First up a soup of coconut oil, earthy turmeric, mung beans and tofu— if you’re convinced you dislike any of these, give it a try! Good-for-you vegetables make for a photo-worthy second course salad, while white asparagus stands in for rice in a healthy, low-carb main. And for dessert, there’s a side of probiotics with your sweet. The best part is that it’s all as delicious as it is healthy.


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