LCBO Food & Drink Summer 2016


BY JAMES CHATTO  •  RECIPES BY LUCY WAVERMAN PHOTOGRAPHY BY JAMES TSE Ready for Rosé Summer is rosés’ time to shine—with so many different bottles on the shelves, we’ve divided them up into styles and created a dish to perfectly complement each one in flavour and hue.

It’s hard to believe there was once a certain preju- dice against rosé wines. They were seen as pretty but simple, offering little more than up-front fruit and refreshment. Okay, that’s still true of some pink wines but the generaliza- tion no longer holds water. Rosé comes in so many styles—sweet or bone dry, complex or easygoing, still, sparkling or somewhere in between—that each must be judged on its own merits. And of course they can be brilliantly versatile food wines, as these pairings prove. Explore the world of wine this summer—through rosé-coloured glasses.


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