LCBO Food & Drink Summer 2018


Sour Beer Pairing

Bench Brewing Citra Grove Dry Hopped Sour

Brettanomyces can do more than create barnyard flavours. It carries on working when a beer has been bottled and in this case turns the tangy grapefruit aroma of Citra hops into what Mark Horsley calls “a juicy pineapple bomb.” Despite the intense fruitiness, this beer ( LCBO 557876, 500 mL, $6.95) finishes dry and the acidity is well under control—a great match for our Seared Salmon wth Citrus Slaw.

We’re used to the concept of ter- roir in wines—but in beer? That’s the goal at Bench Brewing, the new brewery opening this sum- mer on the Beamsville Bench in Niagara. “One way we can do this is to use a coolship,” says Mark Horsley. “It looks like a big baking pan and it lets us cool the wort down in an open-air environment so wild yeasts from our neighbour- ing farms and vineyards can innoc- ulate it. We also have 14 foeders that were formerly used to make wine at Le Clos Jordanne. Each one holds 9,500 litres of beer and also houses the micro-flora we’re trying to develop. That’s how we’ll develop our house style and make beers that have a real sense of time and place.” BEER WITH Terroir

Seared Salmon with Citrus Slaw

recipe on page 159

110  FOOD & DRI NK SUMMER 2018

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