LCBO Food & Drink Summer 2018

IMPROVI SED FRITTATA Eggs are an inexpensive canvas for great local produce, and frittatas lend themselves beauti- fully to improvisation. Whatever vegetable or combination of vegetables you choose, keep in mind they will cook further once you add the eggs—you want tender-crisp in the case of corn, zucchini, peppers, green beans, peas, cauliflower and the like. Potatoes should be cooked until tender and golden, while cherry tomatoes should be cooked just until they burst. Don’t be afraid to add a tbsp (15 mL) chopped thyme, ½ cup (125 mL) basil leaves, or to gar- nish with chopped parsley. 8 eggs ¼ cup (60 mL) finely grated Parmesan, Pecorino Romano, ricotta salata or Manchego (optional) Salt and freshly ground black pepper Herbs, if using 2 tbsp (30 mL) olive oil 1 lb (455 g) preferred vegetables, in bite-size pieces 5 green onions, chopped 1 Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). 2 In a large bowl, whisk together eggs and cheese; season with salt and pepper. If using thyme or basil, add those now as well. 3 Heat oil in a 9-inch (23-cm) nonstick skil- let over medium heat. Add vegetables, season with salt and pepper and cook until desired doneness. Stir in green onions, distribute veg- etables evenly and gently pour egg mixture over. Cook without stirring for 3 to 4 minutes or until edges are set (centre will still be wet). 4 Place in oven and bake until just firm, about 10 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes more then turn out onto a serving plate. Cut into 6 wedges and serve warm or at room temperature along with the Spanish Ketchup and Roasted Garlic & Saffron Alioli (recipes follow). Serves 6

SPANI SH KETCHUP I first encountered roasted red pepper sauce on top of a tapa in Barcelona—this version is

in remaining 1 tbsp (15 mL) saffron mixture. Season to taste with salt and pepper; chill (may- onnaise will keep in refrigerator 7 days). Makes 2 cups (500 mL) TIP  To prepare roasted garlic, cut top off (in order to expose cloves) as many heads as you wish to roast; place in a piece of foil large enough to enclose. Drizzle with 1 tsp (5 mL) olive oil per head, wrap snugly and place in a 400°F (200°C) oven (or covered grill) and cook for 45 minutes or until cloves are very soft. SPICED PLUM SALAD This simple plum salad is great with pound cake or even served alongside ice cream. Let the sal- ad sit for a few hours before serving. Use what- ever plums you can find but avoid purple late- season plums, the kind used to make prunes, as they are fibrous and somewhat flavourless. 2 lbs (905 g) assorted plums Juice of 1 lime 2 tbsp (30 mL) honey ¼ tsp (1 mL) Chinese five-spice powder ¼ tsp (1 mL) coarsely ground black pepper 2 tsp (10 mL) ginger juice (see TIP) 1 Cut small plums in half and large plums into wedges; remove and discard pits. Add to a large salad bowl. 2 In a separate small bowl, whisk together lime juice, honey, five-spice, pepper and ginger juice; pour over plums and gently toss. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, to allow flavours to develop. Salad is best eaten within 2 days. Serves 6 to 8 TIP  To make ginger juice, finely grate peeled ginger (you’ll need a heaping tbsp/15mL plus for each tsp/5 mL of juice) and add to a fine mesh sieve. Using your fingers, squeeze ginger over a small bowl to collect the juice. WHAT TO SERVE G.A. Schmitt Niersteiner Late Harvest Rheinhessen LCBO 262337 $11.25 The sweet fruit and honey character of this late harvest white is a superb match for this flavourful salad, espe- cially when served with pound cake. Viticoltori Acquesi Brachetto d’Acqui Sparkling LCBO 375667 $14.05 This traditional sweet sparkling red from the Piedmont region of northern Italy allows the natural sweetness of plums to shine.

a bit sweeter but no less delicious. 1 cup (250 mL) roughly chopped jarred roasted red or piquillo peppers 1 tbsp (15 mL) tomato paste 2 tsp (10 mL) sweet smoked paprika 2 tsp (10 mL) ground cumin 1 tbsp (15 mL) sugar 2 tbsp (30 mL) sherry vinegar 2 cloves garlic 1 tsp (5 mL) salt

1 Remove 2 tbsp (30 mL) liquid from jar of roasted peppers and add to blender along with all other ingredients; process until very smooth. Pour into a small pot and bring to a simmer over medium heat; cook for 7 minutes or so until thickened. Transfer to a small glass jar or bowl, cover and refrigerate until chilled (ketchup will last for a week in fridge). Makes 11/4 cups (310 mL) This alioli and the Spanish ketchup work beau- tifully together so don’t fear dolloping a spoon- ful of each on a slice of frittata, your favourite burger, alongside grilled fish or spread on a sandwich. 8 cloves roasted garlic (see TIP) 1 egg yolk 1 tbsp (15 mL) water 1 tbsp (15 mL) lemon juice Pinch saffron 1 cup (250 mL) grape-seed oil ½ cup (125 mL) grassy extra virgin olive oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 Work the roasted garlic into a paste with the side of a chef’s knife. Add to the bowl of a stand mixer (or large bowl) along with the egg yolk. Beat on low speed with the whisk attachment (or with an electric mixer) until combined. 2 In a separate small bowl, combine the water, lemon juice and saffron; set aside. 3 Turn mixer to high speed and add the grape- seed oil, drop by drop at first, then in a slow drizzle once you’ve added about a third. Con- tinue at a slightly faster pace until you’ve added all the grape-seed oil and mixture is thick and pasty. Reduce speed to low and beat in 1 tbsp (15 mL) of the saffron mixture. Increase to high once again and slowly drizzle in olive oil. Whisk ROASTED GARL IC & SAFFRON AL IOL I

WHAT TO SERVE Cavas Hill 1887 Brut LCBO 370866

$14.25 The creamy bubbles of traditional method sparkling wine are a mouth-pleasing complement to the richness of eggs. Spinelli Chardonnay Terre di Chieti LCBO 474239 $8.40 The fresh, clean flavours of crisp Chardonnay are ver- satile enough to work with a variety of vegetables while adding balance to rich sauces.

152  FOOD & DRI NK SUMMER 2018

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