LCBO Food & Drink Winter 2017

7 For the semifreddo, in a small saucepan combine the whipping cream and the orange zest. Split the vanilla bean in half horizon- tally and scrape the black seeds into the pot. Add the vanilla pod and bring the cream to a simmer. Cover and steep for 1 hour. Transfer the cream to a small container and chill com- pletely, at least 2 hours. 8 Once the cream is chilled, the semifreddo can be prepared and the cake assembled. Line the inside of a 6-inch (15-cm) round cake pan with plastic wrap, making sure the wrap ex- tends up and over the sides of the pan. Using a serrated-knife, cut the cake into 2 even lay- ers and place 1 layer in the bottom of the pan. (You will only need 1 layer for the finished cake. Wrap the second layer and freeze for future use.) Using a pastry brush, moisten the cake with the vanilla syrup; set aside. 9 To resume making the semifreddo, strain the vanilla-orange-infused cream through a fine sieve, pressing on the solids. Measure and top up with a little more cream if necessary so you have ½ cup (125 mL) in total. Return the cream to the fridge to keep it cold. 10  Combine the egg yolk, 1 tbsp (15 mL) of sugar, orange juice and vanilla in a small

bowl. Set the bowl over a small pot of simmer- ing water and whisk constantly until the mix- ture thickens and is hot to the touch. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. 11  In a separate bowl, using a hand-held elec- tric mixer, beat the egg white until frothy. Add the remaining 2 tbsp (30 mL) sugar gradually, and continue beating to stiff, glossy peaks. Fold the meringue into the yolk mixture. 12  Whip the reserved vanilla-orange cream to medium-stiff peaks and fold into the yolk mixture. Add the orange food colouring, if using, just to give the semifreddo a hint of colour. 13  Pour the semifreddo mixture over the cake layer and spread evenly. Freeze the cake over- night. 14  For the crumble, preheat the oven to 325°C (160°C) and line a baking sheet with parch- ment paper. Combine all the dry ingredients in a medium bowl. Work the butter in with your fingertips and transfer the mixture to the baking sheet. Bake the crumble, tossing it once or twice, until it is lightly toasted and crisp, 20 to 25 minutes. (The crumble can be

made 5 days ahead and stored at room tem- perature in a sealed container.) 15  Turn the cake out of the pan and turn over again so the semifreddo layer is on top. Run a metal spatula under hot water and use it to smooth the sides of the semifreddo; return the cake to the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes. Cover the semifreddo with crumble and return to the freezer until serving. 16  Dust the top with icing sugar, slice and serve with fresh orange segments. Serves 6 to 8

WHAT TO SERVE  Chantilly French Cream LCBO 424044

$29.95 Chantilly replays the vanilla flavours of the semifreddo, and its creamy texture adds to the opulence of the dessert.  McGuinness Crème de Cacao White LCBO 631226 $20.95 Colourless white crème de cacao adds a sweet choco- late note to this experience, while allowing the visual focus to be the pastel orange colour of the dish.




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