World Class


Jeff Savage was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta before leaving to travel abroad and expand his mind and palate. After stops in Asia, USA and Turkey, Jeff completed his academic career at the University of Alberta. While completing his studies, his walks to campus brought him past a restaurant that was under construction. After conversations with the owners, Jeff was impressed by the DIY nature of their project and the passion they exuded, and decided to join their opening team. The restaurant became Three Boars, and Jeff ended up staying on for four years, creating the beverage program and propelling himself to multiple successes in the hospitality industry. In bartending, Jeff has found the perfect combination of working with his hands and his heart. Recently, he captured the title of World Class Canada Bartender of the Year, and went on to the Global Finals in Glasgow, where he placed second globally, and won the Singleton State of Mind challenge.


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