LCBO Food & Drink Holiday 2022

Dumpling wrappers come in two shapes: round and square, and in several types. Well-stocked Asian grocers carry a variety, but your nearest grocer might not. If all you can find are squares, they may be labelled wonton wrappers or dumpling wrappers. Yes, they’re different! But both can be used to make dumplings. Here are two easy ways to fold them up. What if my wrappers are square?

The Pyramid A good all-purpose choice for both wonton and dumpling wrappers.

STEP 1 Fill wrapper with 2 to 3 tsp (10 to 15 mL) filling, depending on size. Lightly moisten the four edges.

STEP 2 Gather two of the opposing

STEP 3 Gather the other two opposing points and pinch them together with the first two.

STEP 4 Align the edges and press to enclose filling.

points and lightly press to adhere where they meet over the filling.

The Wonton In case there’s soup in your future. These are best made with thinner wonton wrappers.

STEP 1 Fill and moisten as you would the square pouch, but instead fold over into a triangle by lifting one corner and joining it with the opposite corner.

STEP 2 Lightly press edges together to enclose filling. Moisten one of the “wing tips” on opposite ends of the longest side.

STEP 3 With the longest side facing you, pull the two “wing tips” towards you.

STEP 4 Bring tips together and press to adhere.


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