LCBO Food and Drink Autumn 2016


P E S TO pairings


what to serve ANGELS GATE SUSSRESERVE RIESLING VQA LCBO 620104, $13.95 The density of the pesto and the strong flavours of the pickles, scapes and capers can present a challenge to many wine matches. A great contender is this locally produced off-dry Riesling. Food-friendly, it offers appealing grapefruit, honey and apple-pear elements that are sure to complement the dominant flavours in the pesto. The wine’s hint of sweet- ness and zesty acidity will stand up to the rich texture and salty elements in the dish and refresh the palate.

PICKLED PESTO recipe on page 158

Once upon a time, pesto was one thing and one thing only—Genovese—and that meant basil, pine nuts, Parmesan, garlic and olive oil... and you tossed it with pas- ta. Nowadays, just about any tasty blend of leafy or herbaceous green, nut, aromatic and oil can be called a pesto—cheese is optional—and it goes onto or into so many things. Add a dollop of pesto to soup and stew; use it as a base for a vinaigrette or add to mayo, sour cream or cream cheese for a quick dip or sandwich spread; try pesto in- stead of tomato sauce on your next pizza; use pesto as a wet rub for roasting meats or fish; and how about pesto-devilled eggs? Pesto is a flavour bomb. Its uses are as many as its variations—which are excellent alongside some of the LCBO’s newest wines!


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