LCBO Food & Drink Autumn 2017

CABBAGE from the patch


Cabbage comes in more varieties than you might imagine, each with its own unique flavour profile, used to best advantage in these enticing dishes.

CABBAGE IS LIKE a great hairstyle; there’s a look and cut to suit every taste. Healthy, inexpensive and a chameleon in the kitch- en, this local vegetable is available all year round but is at its best right now. There are more than 400 types of cabbage, but the three most popular are the green, red and Savoy varieties. Here, we present those and others via some fresh takes on classic cab- bage recipes. Each one—Savoy-wrapped salmon, homemade purple sauerkraut, tempura-fried Brussels sprouts and more— is so good that we think you’ll be inspired

to pick up a head or two on your next gro- cery run.    Cabbage is one of the most economical vegetables out there; you get a lot for not a lot. So here are some storing tips: wrapped tightly in plastic, a head of cabbage will keep for up to two weeks in the crisper. To keep cabbage fresh, don’t cut it until just before using it, and once cut, use cab- bage within two to three days. Freeze fresh or cooked cabbage in airtight containers or freezer bags for 10 to 12months. Now there’s no excuse. See you in the cabbage patch!


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