LCBO Food and Drink Early Summer 2016
A L A M B B U R G E R ’ S N E W B E S T F R I E N D
F I N A L L Y , C H I C K E N B R E A S T S W I T H F L A V O U R
Tu r kish Salsa recipe on page 162 Now What? ➤ Spoon over succulent lamb burgers. ➤ Top store-bought, or better still, home- made baba ghanoush or hummus and serve with warm flatbread. Delicious too over strained yogurt cheese. ➤ Terrific served with smoky beef kebabs. ➤ Serve as a topper for simple grilled Pacific cod or meaty swordfish. ➤ Livens up and lends juiciness to plain- Jane grilled chicken breasts.
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