LCBO Food & Drink Summer 2019
Fine driving experience. First-ever PALISADE.
Fine driving at its finest. Introducing the first-ever Palisade. Enjoy available 8-passenger premium seating space and plenty of accommodating cargo room. The Palisade’s suite of innovative features includes an available fully digital instrument cluster with a confidence- inspiring Blind View Monitor that streams a live visual of your blind spot directly within the cluster Ƈ . There is also an available in-vehicle intercom system to help communicate with passengers in the third row.
Introduce your family to a fine driving experience with the first-ever Palisade.
™ / ®The Hyundai names, logos,product names,feature names, images and slogans are trademarks owned or licensed by Hyundai Auto Canada Corp..Pre-production model shown.May not be exactly as shown. Ƈ Blind ViewMonitor(BVM)assistsdriver inchanging lanesbyprovidinga liveviewoftheblindspotsoneithersideofthevehicleandanaudiblealert ifanothervehicle isdetected.Turnsignalmustbeactivatedandothersystem limitations apply. Do not rely exclusively on BVM. It is the driver’s responsibility to be aware of surroundings and ensure they are clear before changing lanes or directions. See Owner’s Manual for more information.
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