LCBO Food and Drink Winter 2016


Duck fattouch

Pinch of salt Pinch of chili flakes

Lightly dressed to complement the flavours and impact of the fresh veggies, herbs and the crunch of the homemade pita chips, this is one zingy mid-winter pick-me-up. Chill the duck so it’s easier to remove the meat from the bone, before it goes for a quick sear in the pan for that winning hot and cold salad combo. 2 dry pints (550 g each) roma grape tomatoes, sliced in half 6 Lebanese or pickling cucumbers, sliced 4 radishes, thinly sliced

evenly on cookie sheet and broil for 1 to 2 min- utes or until crisp (watch them like a hawk). 3 In a large nonstick skillet, heat duck meat over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes or until hot and skin bits are crispy. 4 In a large serving bowl toss everything to- gether with dressing, taste for seasoning (the duck is salty so you may not need any extra) and serve at once. Serves 4

PITA CHIPS 2 whole-wheat pita 1 tbsp (15 mL) olive oil 1 tsp (5 mL) za’atar spice blend

½ Chinese roast duck, meat pulled from bones and torn into bite-sized pieces, about 1¼ cups (310 mL) Salt to taste 1 Once vegetables and herbs are prepped, make vinaigrette by whisking together lemon juice with olive oil, za’atar, salt and chili flakes. Set aside. 2 To make pita chips, tear 2 pita open around the circumference, then stack the 4 sides and slice into wedges. Transfer to a cookie sheet, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with za’atar. Toss together to coat, then spread pita wedges

½ small red onion, thinly sliced 1 bunch curly parsley, chopped 1 bunch mint, leaves torn from stems

WHAT TO SERVE Peninsula Ridge Sauvignon Blanc VQA LCBO 53678, $14.95 Henri Bourgeois Les Baronnes Sancerre VINTAGES ESSENTIALS 542548, $24.95

LEMON-ZA’ATAR VINAIGRETTE ¼ cup (60 mL) lemon juice (juice of 2 lemons) 3 tbsp (45 mL) extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp (5 mL) za’atar spice blend


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