LCBO Food & Drink Winter 2017

A new trend towards lower-alcohol cocktails is showing up in sophisticated restaurants and bars across North America, and there are several reasons behind it. For one thing, it lets the cocktail lover try more options. Also, drinks with less hard liquor in the recipe are more food-friendly and won’t numb the palate. They also allow bartenders to play with a broad range of things not usually found in the classical repertoire—products like sake and soju with relatively low ABV—and to give a leading role to ingredients such as vermouth or bitters that usually get relegated to bit-parts. “Just because a cocktail is low in alco- hol doesn’t mean it won’t have any flavour,” says Laura Panter from The Martini Club. “If you choose the right ingredients and get the balance right it can be every bit as satisfying.” Think about liqueurs such as Kahlúa, suggests Panter. “They’re higher in sugar and lower in alcohol than straight spirits. And fortified wine such as sherry and port offer great, complex flavours that shine through other ingredients, making them a favourite for punch-style drinks. With less than 20% ABV, they are perfect low-octane sippers.” Wine-based cocktails are also a great idea, lower in alcohol than spirit-based creations; “By adding flavourful fruit juices,” says Panter, “you can increase the serv- ing sizes without increasing the alcohol.” Which is a great idea when there’s a long and merry evening to look forward to.

RINKSIDE COFFEE recipe on page 92


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