LCBO Food & Drink Winter 2017

BY JAMES CHATTO • PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROB FIOCCA    The Martini Club has always included spectacular lower-alcohol cocktails as part of its repertoire— drinks that taste very sophisticated. And don’t forget about alcohol-free options—they are as varied as your guests. Find the perfect 0% cocktail at Drink some water, too, as the evening goes on, and keep the snacks coming. What- ever your choice, a multitude of op- tions will keep you clear-headed un- til the last goal is scored or the last gushing acceptance speech is over. BRIGHT lites Award season, movie nights and sporting events can call for marathon TV sessions with friends—we’ve got delicious lower-alcohol drinks to help you and your guests pace yourselves over a leisurely get-together. IT GETS DARK EARLY at this time of year. Evenings are long and often spent indoors with friends watching the big game or a favourite awards gala. It’s at times like these that lower-alcohol cocktails, beers and wines come into their own.    Lower-alcohol beers and wines have been around for ages, popu- lar with party-goers and also with dieters since less alcohol often also means fewer calories. The real news is that many of the current array of “light” alternative bevvies now also taste good. We asked our resident experts to nominate some genuine contenders that drink well and keep your alcohol intake rela- tively low—because even a couple of percentage points of alcohol by volume (ABV) can make a consider- able di erence to how you enjoy the evening and how you feel the next morning.


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